Everything Antarctica Podcast

Why the Podcast?

The “Everything Antarctica” podcast was born out of an idea to share as many stories about Antarctica as possible.

There is currently no good forum for people to share their Antarctic experiences with others.

Every one of them has an incredible story to tell.

During the heroic age of exploration, many explorers wrote journals or kept diaries of their adventures, but the art of recording one’s experiences is slowly disappearing. The goal of the podcast is to share and record as many stories as possible while the opportunity still exists. This podcast will one day be the world’s largest audio repository of stories about Antarctica.

The idea came about when two experienced Antarcticans and good mates realised that talking to people about Antarctica is important. We sit around talking about Antarctica anyway, so why not bring others into the experience and share some stories? We thought others would enjoy the insights into a part of the world that, so few people get to experience.

The hosts

The podcast’s hosts Matty Jordan and Jonny Harrison, have a combined experience of three Antarctic winters, 13 trips to Antarctica and over 1200 days “on ice.” Between them they have flown on every type of aircraft currently operating between New Zealand and Antarctica. Their photos and stories have been shared in international news outlets and media in more than 20 countries and they’ve been featured in every major news outlet in New Zealand.

We’ve spoken to tens of thousands of Antarcticans and have heard so many stories. We think others deserve to hear them too.

The format

The podcast is broken down into a number of different episode styles. Some episodes are just Matty and Jonny talking about their own experiences, while others will include special guests who will discuss their area(s) of expertise. No matter the episode type, the Everything Antarctica podcast will educate and inspire everyone who listens.

The vision

We hope you will leave every episode with more knowledge, inspiration, and ultimately a desire to protect this precious part of our planet. Antarctica holds a lot of information about earth’s past and future, so please join us as we share information about the planet’s least understood continent.

The podcast doesn’t discriminate on guests. If you’ve been to Antarctica and you have a story to share, please reach out to us and we will try to organise a time for you to come on the show and talk to us.

We really hope you enjoy listening to the podcast as much as we enjoy making it.